Paddlesport Safety and Rescue Course – Sunday 28th May or Sunday 4th June

This is a new course for 2023 and replaces the old Foundation Safety and Rescue Training (FSRT). It is shorter, gone is the use of throwlines and now you only need to paddle your chosen craft. The course aims to provide paddlers with the key safety and rescue skills required to operate safely and to be able to deal with common problems in a sheltered water environment.
The objective is to introduce, explore and practice simple strategies and safe skills that can provide paddlers with the tools to solve common paddling issues.
A one day course at the club – Sunday 28th May or Sunday 4th June
4th June is now full, places still available for the 28th May, other dates could be arranged
Start time 09.00 and Finish time approx 16.00
Group size 4-8 persons
Open to all Chelmsford Canoe Club members and the Cost is £25 if a member of British Canoeing and £30 if not, includes the cost of British Canoeing Fees and the Attendance Certification.
Course Content
Throughout the course, you will explore simple strategies and safe skills that can provide the tools to solve common paddling issues. The course content focuses on rescuing from your specific craft and covers equipment, safety frameworks, as well as a range of rescues including contact and towing rescues, self-rescues and deep water rescues.
The Paddlesport Safety and Rescue course is a 6-hour programme that consists of 6 modules.
- Clothing and Equipment
- Safety frameworks
- Contact and Towing rescues
- Self-rescues
- Deep water rescues
- Reflection and development
Participants need to either hold the Paddle Explore Award or equivalent ability, due to the paddling environment and the craft control required to complete the course
Carl Foody
British Canoeing Paddlesport Safety and Rescue Course Provider
If you may be interested in taking part in a course this year please submit the form below